Had an issue with the database today, and some accounts got deleted. I just got done re-adding all of them, so check your emails for the new password. If I forgot to re-add you, send me an email and I’ll have you back in the system ASAP.
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These seem to be all the buzz lately. Ever since coinvalidation was announced at the end of last year, it ignited a spark within the community to work on furthering anonymity within the bitcoin protocol. 3 months later, we have a few working samples. Do they actually solve the problem though? First, it might help […]
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This is a blast from the past, in the worst way imaginable. I’m a firm believer in the whole those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it thing. I’ve been meaning to do a ‘history lesson’ type of post on Mincoin, but never got around to it. Seems my hand is […]
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The following was sent in by a reader, and was complete enough to transpose into an article I thought you might be interested in some of the stuff that’s been going on with Pandacoin. Specifically that there are three different Pandacoins now. The first one, launched January 4th, is a Scrypt coin with a max […]
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Today, in a last ditch rather pathetic effort to draw attention away from themselves, Mt Gox issued a press release blaming their recent problems on a (non)issue that dates back to 2011: Transaction malleability. In short, it allows you to alter the hash of a transaction by changing non-essential data. Since this issue has been […]
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It’s been a while since I’ve done an article where I speak kindly of a coin, but this is one of the rare occurrences that I find something worthy of my praise. I’d like to introduce you all to HunterCoin. This is by far the most interesting and inventive altcoin I’ve seen in the past […]
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